# LimeSurvey Survey Dump
# DBVersion 138
# This is a dumped survey from the LimeSurvey Script
# http://www.limesurvey.org/
# Do not change this header!
"64787","1","Marcel Minke","N","","","marcel.minke@limesurvey.org","N","","S","default","de","fr it ","Y","N","0","N","Y","6","N","Y","N","Y","Y","2009-07-05","N","Y","Y","D","marcel.minke@limesurvey.org","N","N","Y","N","attribute_1=Betrieb\nattribute_2=Adresse\nattribute_3=PLZ\nattribute_4=Ort\nattribute_5=Kundennummer\n"
"441","64787","Angaben zum Betrieb","0","","fr"
"441","64787","Angaben zum Betrieb","0","","it"
"441","64787","Angaben zum Betrieb","0","Einführung
Zu Beginn einige kurze Erklärungen zur Navigation innerhalb der einzelnen Fragebögen:
\nGanz links sehen Sie stets weitere Navigationselemente. Durch Klicken auf den jeweiligen Text gelangen Sie auf die entsprechende externe Seite.
\nDieser mittlere Bereich verdeutlicht Ihnen, welche Checkliste Sie gerade ausfüllen.
\nAuf der rechten Seite erscheinen die einzelnen Fragen der aktuellen Checkliste. Dort können Sie über die Buttons im unteren Bereich navigieren.
\nBitte geben Sie im Folgenden zunächst die Angaben zum Betrieb ein. Klicken Sie rechts auf ""weiter"".
"442","64787","Checkliste Lagerbewirtschaftung","1","","fr"
"442","64787","Checkliste Lagerbewirtschaftung","1","","it"
"442","64787","Checkliste 1: Lagerbewirtschaftung","1","Angaben zu Ihrem Betrieb\n\n \n \n Betrieb | \n {INSERTANS:64787X441X2459name} THIS TEXT IS JUST TOO LONG | \n
\n \n Adresse | \n {INSERTANS:64787X441X2459adres} | \n
\n \n PLZ/Ort | \n {INSERTANS:64787X441X2459plz} {INSERTANS:64787X441X2459ort} | \n
\n \n SAP-Nummer | \n {INSERTANS:64787X441X2459k_nr} | \n
\n \n
\nCheckliste Lagerbewirtschaftung
\nSeit Mitte 2008 werden die Heineken Anlagen auf 3 Grad Biertemperatur umge-stellt (aktuell Januar 09 sind knapp 50% der Heineken Anlagen umgestellt). Dieses Projekt läuft parallel weiter, die Thematik wird aber in der Kampagne Zapffrisch wieder aufgegriffen.
"2459","64787","441","Q","angaben_betrieb","Bitte füllen Sie die folgenden Angaben zum Betrieb aus.
"2459","64787","441","Q","angaben_betrieb","Bitte füllen Sie die folgenden Angaben zum Betrieb aus.","","","N","N","0","0","0","fr"
"2459","64787","441","Q","angaben_betrieb","Bitte füllen Sie die folgenden Angaben zum Betrieb aus.","","","N","N","0","0","0","it"
"2461","64787","442","F","c1_luftfeuchtigkeit","Checkliste Lagerung
\nTrockene Wände und saubere
\nLuftqualität mittels Entfeuchter.
"2462","64787","442","F","c1_licht","Checkliste Lagerung
\nDer Raum muss geschlossen sein, die
\nFlaschen separat im Dunkeln lagern.{INSERTANS:64787X441X2459name}
"2463","64787","442","F","c1_temperatur","Checkliste Lagerung
\nFässer in separater Kühlzelle lagern.
"2464","64787","442","F","c1_FIFO_keller","Checkliste Lagerung
\nAlte Produkte als Erste griffbereit?
"2465","64787","442","F","c1_FIFO_Kühlschubl","Checkliste Lagerung
\nVerkaufte Produkte vorne wegnehmen,
\nAuffüllen von hinten.
"2466","64787","442","F","c1_geruch","Checkliste Lagerung
\nGetränkekeller ist ein geschlossener
\nRaum, keine stärkeren Gerüche, separates
\nLeergutabteil (außerhalb).
"2467","64787","442","F","c1_zapfkopf","Checkliste Lagerung
\nBei jedem Tankwechsel werden Bierreste
\nentfernt und der Zapfkopf mit sauberem
\nWasser gereinigt.
"2468","64787","442","F","c1_anstich","Checkliste Lagerung
\nKDE ist sauber (falls nicht sauber, KEG
\nzur Seite und anderen nehmen, wenn
\nZeit, mit heißem Wasser reinigen),
\nGäste dürfen Keller besichtigen.
"2469","64787","442","F","c1_platzverhältnisse","Checkliste Lagerung
\nGut begehbare Lager, gewischt und
\ngute Ordnung.
"2470","64787","442","F","c1_zugänglichkeit","Checkliste Lagerung
\nLager ist in wenigen Schritten erreichbar.
"2471","64787","442","Q","c1_übersicht","Vielen Dank für Ihre Teilnahme.
\n\n \n \n | \n Punktzahl | \n
\n \n Luftfeuchtigkeit | \n {INSERTANS:64787X442X2461luftf} | \n
\n \n Licht | \n {INSERTANS:64787X442X2462licht} | \n
\n \n Temperatur | \n {INSERTANS:64787X442X2463temp} | \n
\n \n First-in/First-out Keller | \n {INSERTANS:64787X442X2464ffkel} | \n
\n \n First-in/First-out Kühlschublade/Kühlschrank | \n {INSERTANS:64787X442X2465ffkue} | \n
\n \n Geruch | \n {INSERTANS:64787X442X2466geruc} | \n
\n \n Zapfhahn | \n {INSERTANS:64787X442X2467zapfk} | \n
\n \n Sichtkontrolle beim Anstich | \n {INSERTANS:64787X442X2468ansti} | \n
\n \n Platzverhältnis/Ordnung | \n {INSERTANS:64787X442X2469platz} | \n
\n \n Zugänglichkeit Lager | \n {INSERTANS:64787X442X2470z_lag} | \n
\n \n
"2464","ffkel","First-in/First-out Keller","N","1","de","0"
"2465","ffkue","First-in/First-out Kühlschublade/Kühlschrank","N","1","de","0"
"2468","ansti","Sichtkontrolle beim Anstich","N","1","de","0"
"2470","z_lag","Zugänglichkeit Lager","N","1","de","0"
"143","bierskala","fr de it"
"6","64787","G","441","Checkliste 1","0","77","Total Qualitäts-Punkte: {PERC}
"7","64787","G","441","","0","77","Total Qualitäts-Punkte: {PERC}","fr"
"8","64787","G","441","","0","77","Total Qualitäts-Punkte: {PERC}","it"
"64787","de","Zapffrisch Demo-Fragebogen","","","","Invitation to participate in survey","Dear {FIRSTNAME},\n\nYou have been invited to participate in a survey.\n\nThe survey is titled:\n""{SURVEYNAME}""\n\n""{SURVEYDESCRIPTION}""\n\nTo participate, please click on the link below.\n\nSincerely,\n\n{ADMINNAME} ({ADMINEMAIL})\n\n----------------------------------------------\nClick here to do the survey:\n{SURVEYURL}","Reminder to participate in survey","Dear {FIRSTNAME},\n\nRecently we invited you to participate in a survey.\n\nWe note that you have not yet completed the survey, and wish to remind you that the survey is still available should you wish to take part.\n\nThe survey is titled:\n""{SURVEYNAME}""\n\n""{SURVEYDESCRIPTION}""\n\nTo participate, please click on the link below.\n\nSincerely,\n\n{ADMINNAME} ({ADMINEMAIL})\n\n----------------------------------------------\nClick here to do the survey:\n{SURVEYURL}","Survey Registration Confirmation","Dear {FIRSTNAME},\n\nYou, or someone using your email address, have registered to participate in an online survey titled {SURVEYNAME}.\n\nTo complete this survey, click on the following URL:\n\n{SURVEYURL}\n\nIf you have any questions about this survey, or if you did not register to participate and believe this email is in error, please contact {ADMINNAME} at {ADMINEMAIL}.","Confirmation of completed survey","Dear {FIRSTNAME},\n\nThis email is to confirm that you have completed the survey titled {SURVEYNAME} and your response has been saved. Thank you for participating.\n\nIf you have any further questions about this email, please contact {ADMINNAME} on {ADMINEMAIL}.\n\nSincerely,\n\n{ADMINNAME}","","","1"
"64787","fr","","","","","Invitation to participate in survey","Dear {FIRSTNAME},
You have been invited to participate in a survey.
The survey is titled:
To participate, please click on the link below.
Click here to do the survey:
{SURVEYURL}","Reminder to participate in survey","Dear {FIRSTNAME},
Recently we invited you to participate in a survey.
We note that you have not yet completed the survey, and wish to remind you that the survey is still available should you wish to take part.
The survey is titled:
To participate, please click on the link below.
Click here to do the survey:
{SURVEYURL}","Survey Registration Confirmation","Dear {FIRSTNAME},
You, or someone using your email address, have registered to participate in an online survey titled {SURVEYNAME}.
To complete this survey, click on the following URL:
If you have any questions about this survey, or if you did not register to participate and believe this email is in error, please contact {ADMINNAME} at {ADMINEMAIL}.","Confirmation of completed survey","Dear {FIRSTNAME},
This email is to confirm that you have completed the survey titled {SURVEYNAME} and your response has been saved. Thank you for participating.
If you have any further questions about this email, please contact {ADMINNAME} on {ADMINEMAIL}.
"64787","it","","","","","Invitation to participate in survey","Dear {FIRSTNAME},
You have been invited to participate in a survey.
The survey is titled:
To participate, please click on the link below.
Click here to do the survey:
{SURVEYURL}","Reminder to participate in survey","Dear {FIRSTNAME},
Recently we invited you to participate in a survey.
We note that you have not yet completed the survey, and wish to remind you that the survey is still available should you wish to take part.
The survey is titled:
To participate, please click on the link below.
Click here to do the survey:
{SURVEYURL}","Survey Registration Confirmation","Dear {FIRSTNAME},
You, or someone using your email address, have registered to participate in an online survey titled {SURVEYNAME}.
To complete this survey, click on the following URL:
If you have any questions about this survey, or if you did not register to participate and believe this email is in error, please contact {ADMINNAME} at {ADMINEMAIL}.","Confirmation of completed survey","Dear {FIRSTNAME},
This email is to confirm that you have completed the survey titled {SURVEYNAME} and your response has been saved. Thank you for participating.
If you have any further questions about this email, please contact {ADMINNAME} on {ADMINEMAIL}.