LimeSurvey: master 1e5387a8

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
LouisGac LouisGac master 2016-06-17 10:37 master 155bb0cb
Affected Issues  11016: 10 point array does not fit on tablet screen
 11400: Loosing Array text when changing width of browser-window

Fixed issue 11400: Loosing Array text when changing width of browser-window
Fixed issue 11016: 10 point array does not fit on tablet screen
Dev: No more table transformation applies when screen is under 801px (for a few exotic tablet screens, see 11016), whereas visible-xs-block respect bootstrap standards (767px),If too many bugs of this kind appears in the future, we should just refuse to support weird exotic tablet screens.We should repsect standards, we should not try to fit to non standards devices.

mod - templates/default/css/template.css Diff File
mod - templates/news_paper/css/template.css Diff File
mod - templates/ubuntu_orange/css/template.css Diff File