Viewing Issues 1 - 50 / 2075

    PIDStatusUpdated Summary
feedback (tibor.pacalat)
2025-02-21when trying to recover the participants it says "There are no matching configurations to start restoring the participants table.
in code review (gabrieljenik)
2025-02-21Registration Form spamming19
resolved (tibor.pacalat)
2025-02-21Statistics calculation error for number tables with free fields
ready for testing (tibor.pacalat)
2025-02-21Choice of columlns shown at survey listing disappear
assigned (DenisChenu)
2025-02-21Public registration is not compliant to GDPR
2025-02-21user login page
2025-02-21Changing the admin theme
ready for testing (tibor.pacalat)
2025-02-20Exporting to tab-separated-values error
resolved (gabrieljenik)
2025-02-20Issues with font handling in the custom configuration of the survey theme.
resolved (tibor.pacalat)
2025-02-20Export survey propblem with PHP version 8.0
assigned (DenisChenu)
2025-02-20last question and last_survey are part of user settings
2025-02-19Privacy agreement are done without server control and do not have date or anything else
feedback (gabrieljenik)
2025-02-18setting up 2FA with YubiKey
2025-02-18Calling "__tostring" method on a "SimpleXMLElement" object is not allowed
resolved (tibor.pacalat)
2025-02-18PHP3 + debug : home page broken
resolved (tibor.pacalat)
2025-02-18wrong operator in removeFromBacklist() -> ParticipantBlacklistHandler
assigned (DenisChenu)
2025-02-18getIsDateStamp return false with date stamped survey
in code review (gabrieljenik)
2025-02-18Link to PopUp in question type image radio
resolved (tibor.pacalat)
2025-02-17progress bar counts hidden questions
2025-02-17Access to panel integration from survey
2025-02-17Can´t output content using NewDirectRequest event
2025-02-14Add user to user group does not give permission to earlier permitted surveys
2025-02-14User with group creation allowed can not see is own group
feedback (gabrieljenik)
2025-02-14when the user has “create“ permission, “create survey“ card is not visible after login.
ready for testing (TonisOrmisson)
2025-02-14token->token will not allow standard uuid format tokens (removes dashes)
assigned (DenisChenu)
2025-02-13Built-in captcha not passable by respondent relying on screen reader
assigned (DenisChenu)
2025-02-10Ugly error message after trying to import not compatible responses
resolved (tibor.pacalat)
2025-02-10php8.3 compatibility - Zend (xmlrpc related) - using the "ZF1 Future" as vendor
resolved (marcolombardo)
2025-02-08Progress bar shows values > 100%
2025-02-07Inconsistent font size for h1, h2 and h3 with fruity_twentythree
resolved (tibor.pacalat)
2025-02-07progressbar doesn't reach 100%
assigned (DenisChenu)
2025-02-04Some events are not triggered
2025-02-04Unable to use {{ dump(aSurveyInfo) }} in
2025-02-03Admin theme in green with light text is someone difficult to read
2025-02-03Unable to set position (in group) of new question
2025-02-03Repeat headers option not available on all array-type question
2025-02-03Item in survey menu are more easy to find in 5
2025-02-03Label Export Anomaly
feedback (tibor.pacalat)
2025-02-03RemoteControl list_participants parameter bUnused is confusing
feedback (tibor.pacalat)
2025-02-03no update on db when participant uses optout
2025-02-03PHP 8.1 Deprecated: strcasecmp() Passing null to parameter of type string
2025-02-03fruity, bootswatch and vanilla truncate question index dropdown text
2025-02-03Add horizontal scroll to surveyLogicForm view for the survey logic table
2025-02-03Some broken LSA can not be imported
2025-01-31Label list is cut off unnecessarily
2025-01-31Adding answer and subquestion are not shown
assigned (DenisChenu)
2025-01-31Auth and AuthLDAP: different case sensitivy
2025-01-31Importe survey - Limit culumn table
resolved (tibor.pacalat)
2025-01-31plugins in plugin directory shown in git diff
resolved (tibor.pacalat)
2025-01-31Theme in theme directory shown in git