LimeSurvey: master f6cfc9a8

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
gabrieljenik GitHub master 2020-11-10 13:40 master 356abc04
Affected Issues  16110: resources not found (vanilla based template)

Fixed issue 16110: resources not found (vanilla based template) (#1631)

Removed spectrum colorpicker. Doesn't seem to be used anywhere.
It is included in template-core package definition (commit cf1ee28) and the js and css files are also registered in the Fruity's options.twig (commit bce3f7c).
But the 'spectrum' JS function is never used.

mod - application/config/packages.php Diff File
rm - assets/packages/themeoptions-core/spectrum.css Diff
rm - assets/packages/themeoptions-core/spectrum.js Diff
mod - themes/survey/fruity/options/options.twig Diff File
rm - themes/survey/fruity/options/spectrum.css Diff
rm - themes/survey/fruity/options/spectrum.js Diff