LimeSurvey: master 590c1ac7

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
DenisChenu GitHub master 2023-10-25 19:15 master 8d8389f9
Affected Issues  18436: Remote control API : Inviting members with invalid language sends them an email but they're not marked as invited

Fixed issue 18436: RC API - Inviting members with invalid language sends them an email but they're not marked as invited (#3571)

mod - application/helpers/admin/token_helper.php Diff File
mod - application/helpers/remotecontrol/remotecontrol_handle.php Diff File
mod - tests/TestBaseClass.php Diff File
add - tests/data/plugins/DummyMailer.php Diff File
mod - tests/unit/helpers/remotecontrol/InviteParticipantsTest.php Diff File