View Issue Details

This bug affects 1 person(s).
IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
11415Bug reportsSurvey participants (Tokens)public2016-09-12 10:43
Reporteraesteban Assigned Toollehar  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version2.50.x 
Fixed in Version2.50.x 
Summary11415: SQL error when filling token id in survey participant list

There is a SQL error when introducing a new participant in survey participant grid (Participant -> Display participant)

Additional Information

tid is a integer but query use string operator

TagsNo tags attached.
Bug heat8
Complete LimeSurvey version number (& build)2daa0899ce83f59e4ce140423ffa
I will donate to the project if issue is resolvedNo
Database type & versionPostgresql 9.1
Server OS (if known)Debian Jessie
Webserver software & version (if known)Nginx 1.6.2
PHP Version5.6

Users monitoring this issue

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2016-07-20 12:14

administrator   ~39996

Can you tell if the Problem is still showing I was not able to reproduce this bug



2016-07-21 09:40

developer   ~40001

I just reproduced the bug with 70358e013c017e8a54aeb9871fa0464abb762efb

I think this is a Postgres specific bug. Did you try with postgres or mysql?



2016-07-21 15:22

administrator   ~40008

Last edited: 2016-07-21 15:23

Your build is 1 month old. Please update and try again.



2016-07-22 02:01

developer   ~40011

The date of commit 70358e01 is Wed Jul 20 17:52:40 2016 (three days ago). I reproduced this bug with 5a39a5d0 (last commit at the moment of writting this note) and Postgresql again.

I just verified the bug is not present with mysql database. Please try again with Postgresql.



2016-07-22 10:09

administrator   ~40012

Could you give more details on how to reproduce, please?



2016-07-22 13:19

developer   ~40022

1.- Create a survey
2.- Initialize token list
3.- Go to display tokens
4.- In the header of the table, try to filter by "id": Insert a number and click on enter.

SQL error raises



2016-07-22 13:49

administrator   ~40024

Fix committed to master branch:



2016-07-25 13:53

administrator   ~40040

Version 2.50+ Build 160725 released

Related Changesets

LimeSurvey: master f2ba6228

2016-07-22 13:49


Details Diff
Fixed issue 11415: SQL error when filling token id in survey participant list Affected Issues
mod - application/models/TokenDynamic.php Diff File

LimeSurvey: master 9303c2ce

2016-09-10 14:44


Details Diff
Fixed issue: SQL error with postgresql when filling integer fields in tokens list

Dev: Similar error and fix to bug 11415
Affected Issues
mod - application/models/TokenDynamic.php Diff File

LimeSurvey: global_participants cf432a0d

2016-09-10 14:44


Details Diff
Fixed issue: SQL error with postgresql when filling integer fields in tokens list

Dev: Similar error and fix to bug 11415
Affected Issues
mod - application/models/TokenDynamic.php Diff File

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2016-06-24 14:27 aesteban New Issue
2016-07-19 10:58 markusfluer Assigned To => markusfluer
2016-07-19 10:58 markusfluer Status new => assigned
2016-07-20 12:14 markusfluer Note Added: 39996
2016-07-20 12:14 markusfluer Status assigned => feedback
2016-07-21 09:40 aesteban Note Added: 40001
2016-07-21 09:40 aesteban Status feedback => assigned
2016-07-21 09:40 aesteban Status assigned => confirmed
2016-07-21 14:37 markusfluer Assigned To markusfluer => ollehar
2016-07-21 14:37 markusfluer Status confirmed => assigned
2016-07-21 15:22 ollehar Note Added: 40008
2016-07-21 15:22 ollehar Status assigned => feedback
2016-07-21 15:23 ollehar Note Edited: 40008
2016-07-22 02:01 aesteban Note Added: 40011
2016-07-22 02:01 aesteban Status feedback => assigned
2016-07-22 02:01 aesteban Status assigned => confirmed
2016-07-22 10:09 ollehar Note Added: 40012
2016-07-22 10:09 ollehar Status confirmed => feedback
2016-07-22 11:57 c_schmitz Relationship added has duplicate 11484
2016-07-22 11:57 c_schmitz Relationship deleted has duplicate 11484
2016-07-22 13:19 aesteban Note Added: 40022
2016-07-22 13:19 aesteban Status feedback => assigned
2016-07-22 13:29 ollehar Assigned To ollehar => LouisGac
2016-07-22 13:29 ollehar Status assigned => confirmed
2016-07-22 13:49 ollehar Changeset attached => LimeSurvey master f2ba6228
2016-07-22 13:49 ollehar Note Added: 40024
2016-07-22 13:49 ollehar Assigned To LouisGac => ollehar
2016-07-22 13:49 ollehar Resolution open => fixed
2016-07-22 13:49 ollehar Status confirmed => resolved
2016-07-22 13:49 ollehar Fixed in Version => 2.5
2016-07-25 13:53 c_schmitz Note Added: 40040
2016-07-25 13:53 c_schmitz Status resolved => closed
2016-09-10 14:49 aesteban Changeset attached => LimeSurvey master 9303c2ce
2016-09-12 10:43 aesteban Changeset attached => LimeSurvey global_participants cf432a0d
2016-12-08 10:39 c_schmitz Category Tokens => Survey participants (Tokens)