View Issue Details
ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update |
11725 | Feature requests | Survey editing | public | 2016-09-29 00:26 | 2018-04-06 11:48 |
Reporter | DenisChenu | Assigned To | DenisChenu | ||
Priority | none | Severity | feature | ||
Status | closed | Resolution | fixed | ||
Fixed in Version | 3.0 | ||||
Summary | 11725: Multiple numeric with slider : columns width | ||||
Description | In Multiple numerci with slider : actual solution use 12/12 for columlns, but before we use some 50/50. Think have a 6/6 is OK, but then with siffix and prefix : unsure where we need to put the prefix/suffix width inside label or inpout group | ||||
Steps To Reproduce | See the 2 screenshot : managed with different suffix/prefix system (using separator) | ||||
Additional Information | To add or not the suffix prefix : we can use a global system withPrefix /withSuffix for whole sub-questions (like we do for right answer in array question), but can be fixed after. The separator can be really cool with no slider numeric question too (and easy to add) | ||||
Tags | answers_html | ||||
Attached Files | |||||
Bug heat | 8 | ||||
Story point estimate | |||||
Users affected % | |||||
related to | 11724 | closed | DenisChenu | Usage of input-group input-group-addon |
related to | 11726 | closed | DenisChenu | Default column width and table header width |
I'm unusre too for the "reset" text : did we must show it or not ? If not : it's clear or not with an icon ? There are some other bug with reset (must reset to the default place,not to null) |
Ps : i test too with input-group-add-on ... lol ... |
In both screenshots the question-text is too far away from the labels/sliders. "Reset" button should contain text. To give an example for "compact" slider question I attach a slider question from a different survey system. The handle with a number is there displayed when clicking the handle. |
For "compact or not" :
For display:table(-row|cell|) See or |
I made an error : boostrap have display:table display:table-cell : display:table in input-group Just a lack of table-cell with less css than addon , somethink like this .input-group-extra { |
We can use ls-input-group-extra BUT : if user want a multilinbe part here : it's break anything See : for a quick example. It canb make something near the screen shot, but something breaking with : multiline suffix-preffix / img in suffix-preffix 3 solutions :
If possible I'd prefer to use the input-group-addon feature (see here as well, especially since for the non-slider "multiple numeric" layout it will be useful as well. We should not assume that users will make use of complex texts for prefix/suffic including multiple lines. |
Yes, we move to the other for this. Just for confirmation : by DEFAULT : slider + subquestion in same line ? |
Yes, for common/larger screen resolutions it is helpful to have it in the same line. |
Yes sure : Just need a css fix for margin top |
LimeSurvey: answers_html 84ecb886 2016-09-29 11:16 Details Diff |
Dev: rework multiple numeric with slider : external js + css Dev: fix .slider-handle.custom (the included style don't work on last Firefox) Dev: add input-group-addon on suffix/preffix on multiple text: to be confirmed |
Affected Issues 11724, 11725 |
mod - application/helpers/qanda_helper.php | Diff File | ||
mod - application/views/survey/questions/multiplenumeric/answer.php | Diff File | ||
mod - application/views/survey/questions/multiplenumeric/rows/input/answer_row.php | Diff File | ||
mod - application/views/survey/questions/multiplenumeric/rows/sliders/answer_row.php | Diff File | ||
mod - application/views/survey/questions/multipleshorttext/rows/answer_row_inputtext.php | Diff File | ||
mod - application/views/survey/questions/multipleshorttext/rows/answer_row_textarea.php | Diff File | ||
mod - scripts/expressions/em_javascript.js | Diff File | ||
mod - scripts/numeric-slider.js | Diff File | ||
mod - styles-public/numeric-slider.css | Diff File | ||
mod - templates/default/config.xml | Diff File | ||
rm - templates/default/css/bootstrap-slider-rtl.css | Diff | ||
rm - templates/default/css/bootstrap-slider.css | Diff | ||
mod - templates/default/css/template.css | Diff File | ||
LimeSurvey: answers_html 549e005f 2016-09-29 11:18 Details Diff |
Dev: remove IE8/9 filter css : think it must not be in core, but in template only ? Dev: The slider-handle have bg-primary color, with (for modern browser) some gradient |
Affected Issues 11725 |
mod - styles-public/numeric-slider.css | Diff File |
Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
2016-09-29 00:26 | DenisChenu | New Issue | |
2016-09-29 00:26 | DenisChenu | File Added: inInputWidth.png | |
2016-09-29 00:27 | DenisChenu | Tag Attached: answers_html | |
2016-09-29 00:28 | DenisChenu | File Added: insideInputWidth.png | |
2016-09-29 00:29 | DenisChenu | Note Added: 41021 | |
2016-09-29 00:30 | DenisChenu | Note Added: 41022 | |
2016-09-29 01:29 | jelo | File Added: sliderexample01.jpg | |
2016-09-29 01:29 | jelo | Note Added: 41024 | |
2016-09-29 08:15 | DenisChenu | Note Added: 41025 | |
2016-09-29 09:26 | DenisChenu | Changeset attached | => LimeSurvey answers_html 84ecb886 |
2016-09-29 09:26 | DenisChenu | Changeset attached | => LimeSurvey answers_html 549e005f |
2016-09-29 09:30 | DenisChenu | Relationship added | related to 11726 |
2016-09-30 18:59 | DenisChenu | Project | Development => Feature requests |
2016-09-30 18:59 | DenisChenu | Severity | @50@ => feature |
2016-09-30 18:59 | DenisChenu | Product Version | 2.5x => |
2016-09-30 18:59 | DenisChenu | Target Version | 3.x => |
2016-09-30 19:02 | DenisChenu | Note Added: 41050 | |
2016-10-01 10:46 | DenisChenu | Note Added: 41052 | |
2016-10-04 09:08 | DenisChenu | Note Added: 41064 | |
2016-10-04 09:11 | DenisChenu | Note Edited: 41064 | |
2016-10-04 10:18 | Mazi | Note Added: 41069 | |
2016-10-04 10:26 | DenisChenu | Note Added: 41075 | |
2016-10-04 10:27 | DenisChenu | Relationship added | related to 11724 |
2016-10-04 10:40 | Mazi | Note Added: 41078 | |
2016-10-04 11:06 | DenisChenu | Note Added: 41082 | |
2016-10-04 11:07 | DenisChenu | Assigned To | => DenisChenu |
2016-10-04 11:07 | DenisChenu | Status | new => assigned |
2016-10-04 11:07 | DenisChenu | Status | assigned => resolved |
2016-10-04 11:07 | DenisChenu | Resolution | open => fixed |
2016-10-04 11:07 | DenisChenu | Fixed in Version | => 3.0 |
2016-11-11 11:15 | vkuzmin | Issue Monitored: vkuzmin | |
2018-04-06 11:48 |
Status | resolved => closed |
2019-11-01 17:25 | c_schmitz | Category | Survey design => Survey editing |