View Issue Details

This bug affects 1 person(s).
IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
19718Bug reportsSurvey takingpublic2024-12-03 11:41
Reporterselac Assigned Totibor.pacalat  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version6.6.x 
Summary19718: Collapsible text not scrollable on iPhone

For a given survey I had to integrate a rather long Privacy Policy statement. Unfortunately, when accessing it with an iPhone, I noticed that we can sroll down within the pop-up window. Would it be possible to fix this?

Steps To Reproduce

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Expected result

(Write here what you expected to happen)

Actual result

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TagsNo tags attached.
Bug heat10
Complete LimeSurvey version number (& build)Version 6.5.5+240429
I will donate to the project if issue is resolvedNo
Database type & versionVersion 6.5.5+240429
Server OS (if known)
Webserver software & version (if known)
PHP Version???

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2024-08-23 19:35

reporter   ~80822

Sorry, I meant we CAN'T scroll down.



2024-10-16 18:11

administrator   ~81255

I can confirm this issue.



2024-11-20 20:29

manager   ~81476



2024-11-21 09:34

developer   ~81480

Must test on iphone and some other android browser :)



2024-12-03 11:41

administrator   ~81565

Fixed in Release 6.8.2+241203

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-08-23 19:34 selac New Issue
2024-08-23 19:35 selac Note Added: 80822
2024-08-23 19:35 selac Bug heat 250 => 252
2024-09-12 16:41 DenisChenu Category Security => Survey taking
2024-09-12 16:41 DenisChenu Bug heat 252 => 2
2024-10-16 18:11 tibor.pacalat Assigned To => gabrieljenik
2024-10-16 18:11 tibor.pacalat Status new => assigned
2024-10-16 18:11 tibor.pacalat Note Added: 81255
2024-10-16 18:11 tibor.pacalat Bug heat 2 => 4
2024-11-20 20:29 gabrieljenik Assigned To gabrieljenik => DenisChenu
2024-11-20 20:29 gabrieljenik Status assigned => ready for code review
2024-11-20 20:29 gabrieljenik Note Added: 81476
2024-11-20 20:29 gabrieljenik Bug heat 4 => 6
2024-11-21 09:34 DenisChenu Assigned To DenisChenu => tibor.pacalat
2024-11-21 09:34 DenisChenu Status ready for code review => ready for testing
2024-11-21 09:34 DenisChenu Note Added: 81480
2024-11-21 09:34 DenisChenu Bug heat 6 => 8
2024-11-21 17:18 tibor.pacalat Status ready for testing => resolved
2024-11-21 17:18 tibor.pacalat Resolution open => fixed
2024-12-03 11:41 LimeBot Note Added: 81565
2024-12-03 11:41 LimeBot Status resolved => closed
2024-12-03 11:41 LimeBot Bug heat 8 => 10